• The submitted film must be shot in a mobile phone;
  • Use of additional equipment (professional or home made) is allowed, including (but not limited to) external microphone, lenses, lighting, tripod etc.
  • Any app or software (on the mobile phone or a computer) to edit video and audio as well as colour correction or special effects is allowed.
  • Runtime:
    – feature film: international – up to 30 min., local – up to 10 min.;
    – documentary film: international – up to 30 min., local – up to 10 min.;
    – social video: international – up to 3 min., local – up to 2 min.;
    – music video: up to 5 min.;
    – social media vlog: up to 5 min.;
  • Screen size: 1080p Full HD;
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 (horizontal); social media vlog: 9:16 (vertical);
  • Foreign filmmakers are welcome in any language, but the submitted film in a language other than English must have English subtitles.